Path of Kriya Yoga Courses
Learn Kriya as Taught by Paramhansa Yogananda

“Practice Kriya night and day. It is the greatest key to salvation. Other people go by books and lesser practices, but it will take them incarnations to reach God. Kriya is not only, as I’ve often said, the airplane route to Him, but also the greatest way of destroying present temptation. When you feel that joy within, no evil will be able to touch you. To you, sense pleasures will then seem like stale cheese compared to the nectar of God’s joy.”— Paramhansa Yogananda

Ananda has trained thousands of seekers in the kriya yoga teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. At Ananda, we teach kriya just the way Yogananda taught it. Now the Path of Kriya courses are offered online so that you can begin your journey no matter where you are.